
Hey guys,

I’m in a pretty good mood after submitting my first Open University assignment (back on the education bandwagon) and this is made even better by re-watching season 1 of Game of Thrones. To celebrate the simple pleasures in life, I’ve launched a give away to win a copy of “I Haven’t Lived At All.” Who doesn’t love a freebie?!

Just click this link:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What we think we become.

Happy January!

I’ve got some time on my hands over the next few weeks, and already I think I’ve been overly optimistic on how much I can fit into this time. I’m sure I’m not the only one guilty of this, there’s just something about ‘free time’ that feels very uncomfortable and instead I see this as an opportunity to tick off a few things from my long neglected to-do list.

A few months ago I signed up to a home course in forensic science, so it’s about time I really cracked on with that. I do these home courses with no real plan to use them, but once I become interested in something I can’t help but jump at the chance to learn as much as I can. I’ve also signed up to Open University in order to finish my degree. Writing remains my priority, and it always will, but my love to learn remains strong and I’m sure it can only improve my writing; knowledge is power, right?

I feel like during 2014 I really let reading slip to the side, which actually makes me very sad in retrospect because there’s nothing I love more than discovering a new world I can dive into. In order to rectify this, I’ve already dedicated a shelf to my ever-growing pile of books that I’m yet to read. Which is where I need your help! I want to know what books you love, books that changed your life, inspired you, made you laugh or made you cry.
As I have some spare time on my hands, you can expect some posts about my personal favourite books.


– E x


I swear you’re the fiercest calm I’ve been in.

Hi Guys!

Needless to say, blogging really has slipped off my radar. I wish I could give a legitimate reason for this, but the only explanation I have is ‘life,’ and I’m not sure that’s a very good reason. It’s not very often that I find myself sat in front of the computer, but be reassured that my pen and notebook are always by my side. A lot of writing has happened, most of which will probably never leave the pages of my notebook. However, I do have plans for some of it!

I’ve announced this over on Facebook, and I had the full intention of writing a blog post about this immediately afterwards, but my attention span failed me and I probably got lost in an episode of Game of Thrones, or something as equally unproductive.

I will be releasing a new version of “I Haven’t Lived At All.” There’s no solid back bone to it yet, other than the current version that is already released. I just wanted to explain why I feel this is something I want to do.

“I Haven’t Lived At All” was a massive learning curve for me. As a 20-something year old, I knew nothing about self-publishing and everything this entailed. For me, the first release was always going to be first and foremost an opportunity to learn. I was going to leave it at that, leaving it out in the world with no further intention than that. Over the past months I’ve found myself having a very torn opinion of my own book (which is, of course, natural.) I feel I wasted an opportunity to make something I could really be proud of. The idea of what I wanted to create is now a lot clearer in my head, and I feel I need to do this book justice.
So, what can you expect? I can’t tell you for certain! Just, more. Poems will leave the book, new ones will enter. Artwork will grace the pages and a more solidified, rounded version will be born. I’m going to take my time, I’m going to be patient and let everything fall into place organically. Nothing will be introduced to you all until I can honestly say “This is something I can be proud of.” Who knows how long that will take. I want this to not just be for the benefit of learning, but I want it to be something that you, the reader, can take something from.

There is a chance that I will be starting another Kickstarter campaign in the future to help fund this re-release, and your support would be sincerely appreciated. Please watch this space!

I really will try to be better with this blog, but if I go awol for another couple of weeks, someone just give me a nudge and tell me to stop being anti-social and come back to the blogosphere.

As always, “I Haven’t Lived At All” is currently available on Amazon and you can leave a review there and on Goodreads!
