About Evelyn Knightley

Writer, Oxford. "I Haven't Lived At All"


Hey guys,

I’m in a pretty good mood after submitting my first Open University assignment (back on the education bandwagon) and this is made even better by re-watching season 1 of Game of Thrones. To celebrate the simple pleasures in life, I’ve launched a give away to win a copy of “I Haven’t Lived At All.” Who doesn’t love a freebie?!

Just click this link:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Special Offer!!

Hello you lovely lot,

You may have noticed that I’ve recently hit (and exceeded) over 300 likes on my facebook page *mini celebration*
In order to say THANK YOU I have launched a special sale over in my store.
You can now purchase “I Haven’t Lived At All” for £3 (down from £6.99!)
There are also a few more special treats over there too.
Please do take a look and spread the word.


What we think we become.

Happy January!

I’ve got some time on my hands over the next few weeks, and already I think I’ve been overly optimistic on how much I can fit into this time. I’m sure I’m not the only one guilty of this, there’s just something about ‘free time’ that feels very uncomfortable and instead I see this as an opportunity to tick off a few things from my long neglected to-do list.

A few months ago I signed up to a home course in forensic science, so it’s about time I really cracked on with that. I do these home courses with no real plan to use them, but once I become interested in something I can’t help but jump at the chance to learn as much as I can. I’ve also signed up to Open University in order to finish my degree. Writing remains my priority, and it always will, but my love to learn remains strong and I’m sure it can only improve my writing; knowledge is power, right?

I feel like during 2014 I really let reading slip to the side, which actually makes me very sad in retrospect because there’s nothing I love more than discovering a new world I can dive into. In order to rectify this, I’ve already dedicated a shelf to my ever-growing pile of books that I’m yet to read. Which is where I need your help! I want to know what books you love, books that changed your life, inspired you, made you laugh or made you cry.
As I have some spare time on my hands, you can expect some posts about my personal favourite books.


– E x


Happy Holidays & Positive Thinking

Happy Belated Christmas to you all, and an early Happy New Year!

DSC_0370I’ve had a couple of days off work, and aside from spending time with my loved ones, I’ve also spent a lot of time watching back to back Dexter on Netflix (yes, I’m late to the show on this one but now I’m officially hooked.)
I just wanted to talk (type?) a little about 2015. I’m not usually one for New Year’s Resolutions, I’m usually of the mind set that a new year really doesn’t change much. This year it’s a little different, I’m facing a lot of changes and with this brings a new eagerness for life. I’ll be starting a new job in January, which I’m both nervous and excited about. I currently work with the best group of people, and it’ll be sad that we’re all parting ways but I feel like I really have made friends for life. I’ll be closing the chapter on a few things and I’ll be approaching what I like to think of as a new lease of life.
I have a few practical goals for 2015; find my own home, be successful in my new job, release a new book, perhaps get back to learning to drive. More so than these, I feel the importance to strip back to basics of what’s important to me.
Over the past year or so I’ve been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks, and so have people who are very close to me. This is a sentiment that I’d like them to apply to themselves, and for you to do so as well.

Life can be so fast-paced, days blur into one and it’s easy to fall into habits. It’s easy to get weighed down by daily stresses and stresses that you create in your own head (guilty!) There’s a lot to be said about simply taking time out of your day to be kind to yourself, and this is my main goal for 2015. For me, being kind to myself can simply mean allowing myself to sit down with a book, quiet music in the background and a relaxing candle. I’ve been doing more of this over the past month or so, and it really helps with my anxiety. A lot of people feel as though they don’t deserve to take this time for themselves, simply don’t need to, or the idea of which just isn’t on their radar. I’ve found myself preaching the importance of this to a close friend of mine, and we’ve spent nights going through guided meditation techniques in order to take a step back from our stress and anxiety.
I’m not saying we should all go join a meditation group, but it’s so important to do what makes you feel good, something positive for yourself. Treat yourself in a way you would treat a loved one. It’s a small step to self-acceptance.
With this in mind, I also want to take the time to re-discover the things I was once passionate about, things that I’ve allowed my troubles to interfere with; be it education, creativity and anything else in between.

I don’t know if this really makes an awful lot of sense, but I feel like I lost myself for a while and I want to start the journey towards finding myself again. If any of you have found yourself feeling the same way in recent times, I implore you to do the same. Kindness towards yourself really will go a long way.

– E

Instagram: Aliveatdawnpublishing
Facebook: EvelynKnightleyWriter
Twitter: @EvelynKnightley

Is it too early for end of year ponderings?

Hi All,

I really am becoming poor at this blogging thing aren’t I. My lack of desk chair hasn’t helped, but yesterday I bought a new one and it feels so good to be sitting (as opposed to kneeling) at my desk! It’s hard to be productive when you’re straining to see the computer screen from way down on the floor. (I promise, this isn’t a blog based around my love of desk chairs…although.)

With my new found appreciation of all things practical, I really do hope this inspires me to be less slack with updating this site. I feel like things in life have been hectic and I haven’t really had time to sit down and allow myself the pleasure of just typing whatever pops into my head. That isn’t to say that I’ve been neglecting the old-fashioned pen and paper, in fact it’s received a lot of love over the past few months; and I hope I manage to make something of it.

The end of year is approaching, faster than I would like, so naturally I’ve found myself in a pondering state. I really am so excited for 2015, and I can’t quite describe why. This year has been very up and down, and I’ve got my fingers crossed for a more settled (or a more ‘up’) year. 2015 will bring the start of a new full-time job, and I’m so excited for a new challenge! It will bring the end of a years worth of therapy, something I’d perhaps like to blog about in the future, when things are more settled in my mind. I only have good things to say about this, and I wish I’d have done it sooner! I hope to my have my own home, although that depends on so many different factors and I’m excited to see what the next year has in store for me and t’other half. (That’s also been a new addition to my life this year!) 

I wish I had more to update you on in terms of ‘new book’ world, but I really am just taking to my time. I don’t want to rush myself this time, but it’s something I am forever working towards. So many ideas, so little time.

I have a few book reviews that I need to post, but I avert your eyes to the first paragraph; r.e desk chair!

Forgive my past inability to sit down and type cohesive sentences. I really will try better.

– E